Our Team consist of the most Qualified and Professional Individual with a wealth of collective Field Experoience
Saifullahi Umar is an Agribusiness Development and Value Chain Expert. He has served as a consultant to several local and international institutions including the GEMS4 of United State Agency for International Development, World Bank, Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), ACDI-VOCA, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, and Lee Group of Companies , WACOT, and TECNI Seeds.
Mr. Umar has conducted several value chain studies in cereals, horticulture and agro-forestry products. Mr. Umar has over 10 years working experience in the agribusiness development sector. Mr. Saifullahi Umar holds a Master of Agricultural Economics, Bachelor of Science, Agriculture (Economics and Extension Option) and a Professional Diploma in Computer Studies. Mr. Umar areas of core competencies revolve around agricultural value chains, livelihood and natural resource economics and data management application packages. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Agricultural Economics (Livelihood and Natural Resource Economics) at the Centre for Dry land Agriculture ( A World Bank Centre for Excellence ) of Bayero University, Kano .
Shafa’atu Bello Habib holds the position of a financial manager in the company. She is an Agricultural Economist by profession with diverse knowledge in the fields of agricultural finance and marketing.
She concentrates mostly in academic related approaches to agriculture with the view of enhancing wider knowledge based on research activities. She has also featured in good number of agricultural publications as an author and co-author with good hands-on computer applications and analysis. She holds a B.Sc (Economics) from Bayero University Kano, M.Sc and P.hD (in view) in agricultural economics from the same institution. She also holds a professional membership from the Institute of Chattered Economists of Nigeria (ICEN) and certificate courses in Climate Change Education and Agricultural Policy, food security and climate change. Building a balanced agricultural financial structure for the company is the utmost task she is determined deliver.
Mrs Aishat Maiwada Ahmad Is an Agribusiness developer, entrepreneur mentorship as well as farmers practical field trainer. She holds a Master degree in Agricultural Economics ( livelihood and Natural Resources Economics), Bachelor of science, Agriculture ( Agricultural economics and Extension), National Certificate of Education (Agriculture Double Major) and post graduate diploma in ICT.
Mrs Aishat area of core competencies revolve around Agricultural value chains, livelihood and natural resources economics and field work. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Agricultural Economics (Livelihood and Natural Resources Economics )at the center for Dry Land Agriculture ( A World Bank Center for Excellence) of Bayero University Kano State. Mrs Aisha is the National Deputy Women Leaders North West United Farmers, Produce and Export Association of Nigeria (UNIFPEAN), Member Maize Value Chain Steering Committee Global Program Green Innovation Center for Agriculture and Food In collaboration with GIZ (Germany), Desk / Gender focal officer for Adopted Villages and Schools 2013 To Date for West African Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP), WEAC / NECO Examiner 2013 To Date. Some of the CONSULTANCY SERVICES CONDUCTED by Mrs Aishat include; Commodity value chain development Strategy (2017) as Enumerator, Field Supervision and Data Analyst Research Sponsored by Trimming Project with collaboration of ACDI voca and Centre for dry land Agriculture, B.U.K., Maize Value Chain Trainer on Good Agricultural Practice April 2016 to Date under Green Innovation Centre for Agriculture and Food Sector (GIZ/GIAE) in collaboration with Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) and Data Entry/Results Synthesis For Early/ late Season Verification of Smallholder Farmers’ Education on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Adoption of Notore Small Pack Fertilizer in Northern Nigeria. A research work conducted by Global Agri-Projects and Consultancy Services, Limited; Sponsored by DFID-Propcom Mai-karfi Project, Abuja-Nigeria, Sept – Nov 2012.
Mujeebah Kabeer is an agribusiness development and value chain expert. She has worked with several national and international institutions such as International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), ACDI-VOCA, Ministry of Agriculture.
Mujeebah Kabeer has conducted several value chain studies and has over 6 years working experience in the development sector. She holds a Master of Agricultural Economics and B. Agric (Economics & Extension). Her areas of specialization revolve around agricultural value chains, livelihood and natural resource economics and data management application packages. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D in Agricultural Economics (Livelihood and Natural resource Economics) at the centre for Dry land Agriculture of Bayero University, Kano.
Our level of experience in the field is extremely outstanding. We haveconducted and managed more than 100 agricultural projects over a span of 10 years.
Greenstar Agribusiness is an innovative agricultural company that specializes in agribusiness consultancy
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